Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This is far from my usual topics, maybe a little dark to some.  I don't understand people's problem with euthanasia/assisted suicide.  If someone is sick, terminally ill,  and suffering, why not let the person go with dignity? Why make the person suffer more? People wouldn't treat an animal that why, so why a human?  What's wrong with a lethal dose of morphine or the process in which prisoners are executed?

Cancer runs in my family and I've seen the long, drawn out process. I've seen family members not be able to blink, not be able to swallow, staring off into space in a vegetative state. That's no way to live. If I were ever in an accident or so severely terminally ill, I would not want to live that way. I would not want my family to deal with the medical costs and emotional turmoil, the hope that maybe I'll get better. There is a point where it's just selfish on the part of the family to want that person around, when it's just prolonging physical death, while quality of life is not there.  It's out of humanity that I feel this way.

I'm curious what others think on the subject. Please post some comments.

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