Friday, January 21, 2011

I am that good....

So after giving my notice on Monday, having meetings everyday since regarding my resignation, they have finally accepted it today, Friday.  And it does make me feel good. I know I'm a hard worker and I know my value. I know I'm worth more, and not just monetarily. I deserve respect. Even after all this, my boss took me in his office and said he knows I'm a woman and he can't talk to me like he does. That was exactly my point. Be it a woman or not, there's a level of respect at work that must be followed. If someone's in a bad mood, you  don't say he/she "needs to get laid."  You don't ask your subordinates to buy you lunch everyday and never say thank you or say you don't have your wallet on you when we all walk by your reserved spot and see your wallet in the cup holder.
Relieved. That's the word. I'm lucky in that I'm more frugal than the average person. At 29, I have over a year's salary saved up. And getting married gives me that little boost of income (plus my child support covers my daughter)  where I don't need to find something before I leave.  I know it would be better, but at this point, my mental and physical well being are more important.
And I leave knowing that the company really does need me and will be hurting for a bit. Today, that is all the satisfaction I need. 

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