Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This is far from my usual topics, maybe a little dark to some.  I don't understand people's problem with euthanasia/assisted suicide.  If someone is sick, terminally ill,  and suffering, why not let the person go with dignity? Why make the person suffer more? People wouldn't treat an animal that why, so why a human?  What's wrong with a lethal dose of morphine or the process in which prisoners are executed?

Cancer runs in my family and I've seen the long, drawn out process. I've seen family members not be able to blink, not be able to swallow, staring off into space in a vegetative state. That's no way to live. If I were ever in an accident or so severely terminally ill, I would not want to live that way. I would not want my family to deal with the medical costs and emotional turmoil, the hope that maybe I'll get better. There is a point where it's just selfish on the part of the family to want that person around, when it's just prolonging physical death, while quality of life is not there.  It's out of humanity that I feel this way.

I'm curious what others think on the subject. Please post some comments.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My kid has webbed toes, so what?

My daughter started her last two weeks of camp, nervous for ballet class. She didn't want to do the final performance in front of the camp and parents. She's a shy one. After the first few days, she had a strong liking for her teacher and was having fun. Then day four came and one girl asked her about her toes.  My daughter has the second and third toe on both her feet "webbed" about 2/3 up the toes.  She told her she was born that way, that they're "stuck together." What turned out to be one girls curiosity sparked two days of four, five more girls asking questions, making faces. "Does your mom have those toes?" "Eeewww!" "How come they're like that?" "Take them apart?" Anxiety turned from the performance to going to class barefoot everyday.
I'm not going to lie, when she was born I was upset over her feet. I asked the doctor to cut them at birth and was told it's really an involved procedure requiring reassigning of blood vessels if needed and skin grafts and that I should just leave it.  I had my own insecurities growing up of having fat feet and never wore sandals until senior year of high school. I could only imagine how some kids would tease my daughter.  If she was a boy, no big deal, but a girl, she should have pretty feet.
As time went on, I grew to love those toes. That's part of my baby's uniqueness. I kiss them, I rub them, I stare at them with love.  I joke with her and say she was part mermaid and that's what's left. She can swim faster, it's a bonus.
She loves her toes, because as a family, that's all we've ever told her.  Those are the only feet she knows.  Why shouldn't she love them? And now, this one girl in particular is making yuck faces at them? I feel bad, wish it didn't happen. I hope this will give my sensitive little girl the thicker skin she needs.  I hope she takes it in stride and this is the last someone will mention it.
My baby is happy, healthy, beautiful and smart.... and she happens to have webbed toes, so what?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's been a while!

I haven't wrote on this in a while!  I should probably read my last post to see where I left off, but today I just need to let off a little steam. When do I not?
So if it hasn't been established, my daughter's father is a douche bag. I haven't been paid my child support on a regular basis all year. I got paid once in January, once in April, and once in June. Now he wants to go to court and claim he hasn't worked it 4 1/2 years so he can reduce his child support payments.  What a f*#%ing bag of shit. Meanwhile, he owns a $500,000 motorhome he put under his girlfriend's name and runs the production company, flies between NY, LA & Miami constantly. He forgets that I'm smarter than him and already got what I needed over him and his lawyer.

On a good note, I got into the Cardiac Sonography Program. Cheers to that!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm getting old...and feeling it!

I went to my in-laws a few weeks ago and spent the night.  Being a good houseguest, after finishing up in the shower, I hopped out, grabbed my towel and hopped back in, trying not to get any water on the floor.  I slipped and fell in the tub.  Being that they have glass doors and the metal track, my one leg got caught up and got bruised pretty bad.   Three black and blues on my thigh and calf, one on my other knee, and a nice one on my elbow.  Lovely.  Worst of all was the shame and embarassment that came with it.  As soon as I fell, in came my daughter. I could swear I locked that door.  Damn it. Then came the mother in-law. I was laughing so hard I was crying and she yelled for help, insisting I was hurt. Then came the dog, followed by the husband.  All I wanted to do was lay there naked by myself. Is that too much? Let me wallow in my own misery.
Then this past Monday came. I took out the kitchen garbage and wanted to be nice, so I took the garbage can from the driveway to the curb. I twisted wrong while putting it down and now can hardly move. My kid thinks it's funny that I let out a shriek with every sneeze and cough. I try and touch my toes and only my head can look down.  I went to the chiropractor on Saturday and was yelled at by my father because one "almost killed" his dentist.  Dr. Dad has his own regime that I need to follow so I'm waiting on him to come over and show me his stretches. In the mean time, I have a follow up this afternoon.  I haven't actually hit 30 yet, what the h-e-double hockey sticks!
So instead of running around, I decided to read some poetry with my daughter.  We love Shel Silverstein. He's so funny. We were reading Where the Sidewalk Ends (an anthology of poems) and came to a line about instamatic flu. My husband over heard and said instamatic flu was the worst. What does my kid say? "Noooo, HIV/AIDS is the worst!"
I give up.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Semester is coming to an end!

I've been so busy, I haven't posted anything in a while.  I got a part time job and started 2 weeks ago. It's at a cafe during the lunch shift and I love it.  Everyone is super nice and it's just a great atmosphere.  I work while my baby is at school, so it's all gravy.

I've been studying hard.  I've have my last lab and review this coming week and then my final.  My application has been sent to the University for the sonography program and from this point forward, its a waiting game.  Today was the deadline, so hopefully I get the call for the interview soon and a positive decision on my acceptance. I'm hoping upon all hope I get in, but if not, I'm prepared to go back to work full time.

I finished the Stieg Larsson trilogy. My husband surprised me with the third book last weekend. Got it on Saturday, finished it up on Thursday.  They're big books, but the storyline is awesome, you can't put it down until it's all unravelled.

Tonight, I'm going to a CD release.  It's a great time every time I see one of  Mike Montrey 's shows. There'a something in there for 7 year old has been singing along for 2 years now. iTunes and CD Baby now have it available, but I'm scoring my copy tonight!  Here's the latest review from Aquarian Weekly. Check it out!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The change is coming...

I finished the Girl Who Played with Fire. Now if I can only get my hands on the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.  This is a really good trilogy for the murder mystery/drama/book lovers.  I'm taking a break to catch up on my magazines that have been piling up. With school and all, my subscription to Shape has been on hold. I just finished a edition from last summer! With my subscription, went my motivation, but now I'm gonna try and stick with a program.
Since I'm presently unemployed, there's no extra money for a gym membership. Not that when I was employed I had the time to go to one. So I've decided to read these fitness magazines and rip out any articles I think I can do. I'm not one for stability balls/weights, and I have no treadmill, but there was a good article on excercising using your own body weight. Day one and I couldn't even do a few of the exercises. My goal is to be able to do the 3 circuits of 3 different excercises five times. That's what the article reccomends. I started on Monday and I can barely do 10 reps of each exercise once. Once I can do them well, I'll up the repetition. Trying for a bikini body for this summer....but if not, as long as I'm a bit healthier and stronger, I'm ok with that, too.  And once it gets a little warmer, I've got a bicycle I'm waiting to break in.
I've had several calls regarding jobs, but until this week, nothing has led to an interview. Today, I went on the first and have a second one set up for Friday.  Fingers crossed, it pans out. It's a part time gig at a sandwich shop, but it's during my daughter's school hours so every penny goes to us - no before or after care needed - and best of all, it's close to home.
After testing some product's at the research lab, I got $50 yesterday. It covered the groceries for the week and it makes me feel better that I can contribute. It's been 2 months and I haven't asked my husband for my allowance just yet. If I can just get this job to cover for gas, groceries and a few optionals, I'll be happy. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm 30, kind of

So my best friend's birthday is in January and mine is in May. What better time to celebrate both than March? We left Thursday and came back on Sunday for a long weekend. It was just what we both needed.  We sat on the beach, ate, slept and read books. I read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
while she read the sequel The Girl Who Played with Fire.  It took me from Thursday on the plane to Saturday night to finish my 6oo+ page book. I loved it - action, drama, mystery all in one. When I came home I Netflixed the movie. After reading the book, the movie doesn't even come close.  The book was so intense.  These books were originally written in Swedish and the title is literally translated into "Men who hate women."  It makes a lot more sense then the name the American publisher's gave it.  I've started on the second one.  It's a trilogy and I'm planning on reading the third at the moment, however it might have to wait until after the semester. Hopefully, I can finish this one over my spring break. 
While in the Bahamas, we went to the Atlantis one day to their aquarium, casino at night and Ben & Jerry's for a $9 milkshake.  I know it's vacation, but that's an absurd price for ice cream.  After trying to get in shape for this vacation, I gained four pounds while on it!  I already lost two since coming home by not eating at buffets for each meal.  With the weather warming up, I'm hoping to get outside more often and lose that other two plus.